Name: Sam MacLennan
Location: Oxnard Shores
Job: Co Founder of BentPenny Coffee, Ocean Lifeguard L.A. County Fire Department, Professional Foose Baller
Fondest Memory: Too many to count but one of my favorites was a surf trip to New Zealand back in 2013. I was on the road two months and had been all over the north island finding new surf spots and waterfalls to jump into. I was with a close friend of mine and we hitch hiked to this incredible wave with hardly anyone around, had to ask a local farmer if we could pitch a tent on his property to avoid trespassing. I remember getting out of the water after a few days of being there surfing incredible waves and feeling like my life could not get much simpler at that point: I had been on the road with no phone for weeks and felt such a heightened sense of freedom and fulfillment. Can't wait to go back there one day.
Soundtrack: Currently stuck on Chris Stapleton.
Retreat: The Ocean, The Woods, My Bed.
Wildest Dream: To live a life that allows me to positively affect the lives of people around me. If I can pursue my passions while maintaining free time to have a family, adventure, and enjoy the outdoors in addition to that; then I couldn't really ask for anything more.
Proudest Moment: Quitting a job that made me unhappy.
Biggest Challenge: Balance in life.
Perfect Day: The best days I have ever had usually involve being on a surf trip and surfing good waves with close friends all day long.
Last Purchase: Dinner with the lady.
Movie: Anchorman
Why the Young & Brave Foundation: They inspire me to help others. I support what they stand for which in my eyes is reaching into the lives of people in need and helping them face something that I cannot even begin to comprehend. Thanks for everything you guys do!