

Long Beach, CA

  • WARRIOR'S Story
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At just 2 years old, Tory’s Mom, Tatum, was tickling Tory’s belly on a normal Wednesday morning when Tatum felt a mass hidden under Tory’s rib cage. That evening, Tory was admitted to the hospital, and within the week surgeons had removed a large Wilms Tumor in Tory’s kidney. It was childhood cancer.

Until the age of 3, Tory went through chemotherapy with no signs of cancer in her body. Tory’s doctors were confident that she had beaten it, and for the following two years, Tory was in remission. During remission, she was a thriving, healthy, and vibrant child. She adored preschool and friends and making up for the lost time of her challenging year. Tory was ecstatic about starting kindergarten, and in June already had her uniforms neatly folded in her drawer for September. Unfortunately, that summer, at the age of 5.5, a routine CT scan showed a small returning Wilms Tumor in her right lung.

Shocked and traumatized, Tory and her Mom Tatum were admitted to the hospital once again with a long journey ahead. Tory again underwent surgery to remove the tumor, and is now at the end of an intensive year of treatment. The chemotherapy and radiation have been much more intensive and serious this time due to the returning nature of the cancer.

Tory is clinically doing very well, and her prognosis is good. Her body is showing no signs of cancer in any of her scans since surgery, and after this intensive year of treatment, her doctors expect for her to attend the 1st grade and start making up for the difficult childhood that Tory has faced.

Tory and her family are gracious, tender, playful, and pure-hearted. Tory is also a very wise and thoughtful little lady. Please join us in embracing this sweet family as they work their way out of medical debt, hospital stays, chemotherapy, radiation, and the many blood transfusions – and into a lighter and brighter future.


Supporters (39)

  1. Young Brave 
    55 years ago
  2. Chris Vizzi 
    55 years ago
  3. Chris Vizzi 
    55 years ago
  4. Young Brave 
    55 years ago
  5. Sharon Eastman 
    55 years ago
  6. Scott Crail 
    55 years ago
  7. Karen K Sprague 
    55 years ago
  8. Linda Wells 
    55 years ago
  9. christina mansour 
    55 years ago
  10. Lisa Mais 
    55 years ago
  11. michael newton 
    55 years ago
  12. James Crawford 
    55 years ago
  13. Monika Korolczuk 
    55 years ago
  14. Karen Puder 
    55 years ago
  15. diana angel 
    55 years ago
  16. Joyce Murchison 
    55 years ago
  17. Jesse Knight 
    55 years ago
  18. Marlee Snowdon 
    55 years ago
  19. Peter Adams 
    55 years ago
  20. Blair Carty 
    55 years ago
  21. Bonelli Logistics 
    55 years ago
  22. Yasemin Altuner 
    55 years ago
  23. Susan Bruner 
    55 years ago
  24. Cayt Marchael 
    55 years ago
  25. Chelena C Sotraidis 
    55 years ago
  26. Adriana Riphagen 
    55 years ago
  27. Sally Lane 
    55 years ago
  28. Mari Adair 
    55 years ago
  29. Linda Wells 
    55 years ago
  30. Mari Adair 
    55 years ago
  31. patricia smith 
    55 years ago
  32. Kathleen DeSilva 
    55 years ago
  33. Suzanne Nosworthy 
    55 years ago
  34. Debra Busch 
    55 years ago
  35. Carolyn Milburn 
    55 years ago
  36. Catherine Vandenberg 
    55 years ago
  37. Young Brave 
    55 years ago
  38. Blaire Pistoia 
    55 years ago
  39. Young Brave 
    55 years ago

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